Friday, December 23, 2011

How to Grow a Cherry Blossom Tree From Seed

Here is a really good guide to growing a cherry tree from seed, I will summarize the information below.

 1. If you are growing a cherry plant from seed, you will probably have to wait 5 to 10 years before the tree blossoms. Depending on the variety of the seed you have, the cherrys may or may not fruit because only self-pollinating cherry trees fruit. Other cherry varieties must be cross-pollinated in order to fruit.

2. This can be an interesting experiment or just a fun thing to do with your loved one, like how me and Calvin have planted our tree. We did it for fun and by caring for the tree together, it has created a wonderful bonding experience for us. It has shown me a surprisingly nurturing side of Calvin and my insistence on careful observation has also spawned this blog.

Overall, it can be a fun project for anyone.

The Steps are Easy.

1. First either collect the pits from cherry's you've eaten at home or order cherry seeds online. Make sure to choose seeds that are not dried out to plant. If the seed looks and feels brittle it is probably dried out. Fresh seeds from cherry fruits should be fine.

2. Plant the seeds 2 inches deep in a soil and perlite mix or a mulch based soil. The soil needs to be loose and moist,so that the roots can grow properly. Dense soil can potentially harm or kill and cherry tree.

3a. If you are planting outside, plant each seed about 12 inches away from each other and plant in the fall. The seeds will straitify over winter and sprout in the spring.

3b. If you are planting in a pot, place about 2-4 seeds per pot to insure at least one seed germinates. Place pot in the refrigerator for 4-6 weeks to stimulate stratifying in the winter. Or you can plant the seeds in the fall and place the pot outdoors. After the stratification process in the refrigerator, move your pot to a warm, sunny area, the seed should sprout within a couple of weeks. If you plan on planting it indoors, it does not matter what time of year you plant your seeds, as long as the seeds has been properly stratified, it will sprout. We planted in april, placed in the fridge for about 5 weeks, our seed sprouted in May.

- Make sure the soil is remains moist, but not dripping wet. Water soil as you see fit, once every two weeks perhaps.

* Side Note: We planted love tree in april from a kit that had a perlite mixture, our seed germinated fine. However, we did re-pot love tree into a 8qt pot (much larger than the 10 oz growth chamber provided by the kit. Love tree does seem to have stopped growing, we are not quite sure what is going on. It might just be wintering, we're not sure.) To remedy this situation we have used toothpicks to poke holes in the soil surrounding love tree, hoping to provide some ventilation that way. We are using a pot with a drainage system, so love tree won't be overwatered.

4. Continue caring for you cherry tree and expect to enjoy cherry blossoms or fruits in about 5-10 years. =D

I hope everyone will be sucessful, in their cherry seed planting adventures.

Calvin made a Cherry Tree Planting guide in a microsoft word .doc, that you can download. I will upload that soon.

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  1. Thanks for sharing all this steps for us!

    I will plant about 50 of these seeds. Hope everythings goes well.

    1. How did your cheery seeds do? Did they germinate? After they sprout in the spring they will continue putting out leaves, however by this winter the leaves will fall. Don't be alarmed. This happened to us too and then after winter, the leaves will come back. Please let me know how your cherry tree plants are doing. =)

  2. I got a packet from Washington D.C...i had to soak the seeds in water for 78 hours and then put them in the fridge (in soil) for 120 days...i just planted them in my pot so I'm keeping my fingers crossed I get a tree!!!! Its been one long wait and im hoping it was worth it!!!

  3. i acquired my seeds of two varieties of cherry blossom just this june 24, 2015. i am scarifying some of them and the rest i'm soaking to hasten their germination. i got at least 500 seeds.

  4. Must you have winter? It is virtually non existent in florida.

    1. Yes, the cherry blossom tree plant naturally goes through a period where the leaves are shed. Our first winter, we thought the tree had died. But it just naturally does that.

  5. I just placed 3 seeds together inside a bonsai pot is that alright? Then should i place the pot in the fridge?

    1. Yes, you should place the pot in the fridge for one month. Make sure to cover the pot with plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out. Then after one month, place on a sunny area and keep the soil moist until the seeds sprout. Not all the seeds will sprout. Good Luck!

  6. Hi, i am very ignorant in matter, i just wanted to ask, for the stratification process, should i water a bit the pot with the seeds before putting it into the fridge?

    1. I usually do. I usually take a paper towel and soak it with water and place this at the very bottom of pot. Then I fill the pot with soil and seeds. After I light water the pot, cover with some plastic wrap and then put it in the fridge for 1 month.

    2. Thank you very much! I recieved my seeds today and will try both with fridge stratification and outdoor "natural" stratification since it's almost the right season!

  7. Hi..! I bought seeds of cheey blossoms online. First I did the stratification. I put them in the fridge for 15 days, after that I transferred seeds into the tray. Seeds started sprouting after 3-5 weeks, now the question is how much water and sunlight do they need? Each sprouted seed is about 1 inch long??

    1. How are your cherry blossom'now? Are they growing well??

    2. That sounds great Ali! Did your cherry blossoms trees survive the winter???

      Me too! I am excited to know how your first year went.

  8. You guys/gals have me super excited to start my seeds, I absolutely love cherry blossoms and quite frankly, watching something grow gives me great satisfaction. This really is my therapy. I will let you all know how we do after stratification.

    1. Hope all is going well with your cherry blossom seeds!!!
